segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011

Tradução: Sorria!

Não muito longe de nossas cidades cinzentas,
céu tão claro e azul,
praias, vales,
Onde o sol brilha docemente sobre vo.

Então, conte seu jardim pelas flores
Nunca pelas folhas que caem
Conte seus dias pelas horas douradas
Não lembre das nuvens absolutamente.

Conte suas noites pelas estrelas, não pelas sombras,
Conte a sua vida com um sorriso, não por lágrimas,
E com alegria através da toda a sua vida
Conte sua idade por amigos, não pelos anos.


Not too far from our gray cities,
There are skies so clear and blue,
There are beaches, there are valleys,
Where the sweet sun shines on you.

So, count your garden by the flowers
Never by the leaves that fall
Count your days by golden hours
Don’t remember clouds at all.

Count your night by stars, not shadows,
Count your life with smiles, not tears,
And with joy through all your lifetime
Count your age by friends, not years.

Will turn it up!

Starting to get the drawers of life. Seeing what pays and what is good for not taking more than necessary to be happy!
Sometimes we believe things can and will be different, but it is pure illusion. Crooked tree that is born, dies pie. There is no such right. For those things that is beginning to take off my field team, because I know that this game is lost. I'll start living life!! Do not say that life begins at 40 ?!!!!
This process will be painful for me, however, necessary to my growth as a person. Beginning to like me and so I raise my head, dust and will turn it up!!